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testing 6.12.24

How we should grow


Embedded YouTube video.

The great test page. 123

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Grow like this!

test link

This is a paragraph of copy. “Supplement your faith,” Peter says, “with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone,” (2 Peter 1:5–8).

Now, how about a photo?

Wow, that’s tiny. Did I insert only a thumbnail version or is it just the preview while in the tinyMCE editor?

Hmm… let’s try again and see!

Aha! We did a “small” size before. This time we did “large.” It still looks kind of small to me, I would expect the “large” size to be large enough that it can take up the full horizontal space without appearing pixelated. 

How about using the other image tool (why even have 2 different tools!?)?

First a large image with a link from off the site, then a large image uploaded to the site in the original size.

Random photo from

Now, that’s a large image! Also, I see the usefulness of the second image insertion/edition tool, however, it still makes more sense to me that the two should be combined into one smarter, more intuitive tool. But, that’s not the point of this exercise.

Note: These huge images have to be manually reduced in size on themes that aren't responsive or they won't fit on the page.

Now, how about a video?

Oh, my goodness, it’s a Flash-based player from like … 2011 (at the latest). (We removed that, Flash no longer works with NA)

And the other video insertion tool? Again, why have 2 separate tools?

Wow. That one is finicky. DO NOT paste `<iframe>` embed code into the URL field of the first tab. Just … don’t!

Interesting. A very nondescript yellow box is what I have in the editor. It looked fairly good in the modal box’s preview.

Well, now it has me resorting to double-line-breaking everything. I have a feeling that as soon as we hit the video section, some formatting/styles are gonna go a bit wonky.

Seems to be back to normal now. That’s good.

What else do we have?

Huh. I can insert an [[edit anchor]] (double-square brackets are my own).

Emoji support?

No. Don’t even try. It will just cause an exception and you’ll lose your work.

Just checking 11/23/21

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